what is social media-concept of social media

what is social media-concept of social media

what is social media

Google, LinkedIn, Facebook are some of the social networking platforms where maximum users spend their time surfing. The majority of Indians are young & adults which generate most of users for these sites and young people are considered as gems by business houses globally. Since today, no work could be completed without using internet thus becoming an integral part of these young people’s life


“Social media refers to online media that facilitates communication through the use of feedback engaging the users active in the generation and improvement of the content it is opposed to the traditional media, which delivers content but doesn’t allow the users to modify the content”. (Social Media Defined by Susan Ward-About.com Guide, 2012).

Ideas attracted to Foundation of Web 2.0 and combination of application motorized on Internet which acts as medium of exchanging information to each other as being users on internet can be defined as Social media by Kaplan and Haenlein (2010). Social media was set into few of the best elements divided and called as social media sites, Blogs, Virtual world, collaborative project sites etc.

These virtual social worlds could be utilized for social media advertising.

The above shown features are all included in Facebook thus it can be used as a good example of social media. The social media are now used in the place of traditional media because of the random change it made through past ten years.

Since social media became popular, online marketing paved way for many new practices and strategies which increased online marketing of products and services.

Not only online marketing but also communication with others has become quite important to users after innovations in social media. According to Katona, Z., Zubcsek, P. P., Sarvary, M. in the year 2011 beleive that people are more engaged in social media platforms such as Facebook which eventually turns them towards online media and lesser towards traditional ways. This is because of the invention of Web 2.0 which enabled users to virtually connect with anything and anyone at anywhere without any hindrance and the most important example of it is Facebook.

Origin Of Social Media:

Jim Ellis and Tom Truscott were the two young people who created Usenet in the year 1979 at Duke University which became the most influential and used platform for messaging among humans. Long ago, Bruce and Susan also found “Open Diary” which was recognized as social networking site for online writers and simultaneously it was called “weblog” or “Blog”.

The innovation on such weblog kept on increasing year by year and it gave rise to many social networking sites namely “MySpace” (2003) & “Facebook” (2004) 1.1.2 Utilizing Social Media As A Valuable Tool As explained by Ashok Vemuri in 2014, the main step to take before implementing social media in any company is to analyze and understand the importance of its use an effectiveness which could directly benefit the company and other staffs. The researcher gave four buckets which can be considered into values of using social media:

  • 1. Accelerated awareness – 

social media could be used to alert customers with basic and new products and services which will create a speedy awareness among customers through network media.  

  • 2. Deepen Customer Relationships – 

Social media community with strong ability could be created to bring together present and new customers into confidence and likeness which puts a strong impact of social media on them and eagerly use it without a second thought. Such community needs involvement of users with feedbacks and better services, customer relations must be carefully handled by social media.

  • 3. Foster Innovations – 

Through the innovation of feedbacks and best services provided by social media platform, customers now will be able to promote, suggest changes as well as improvement, help in solving problems in the shortest of span. Such feedbacks are beneficial which will automatically resolve the problems of users.

  • 4. Drive transactions – 

Social media is a new way for customers to learn guidelines & forms of transactions which will help them to learn and talk in a new way and trade fast and simple by using these methods (Sch

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